Funds were awarded to garden projects to improve accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Lifespring Ministries in Aurora installed a garden and changed food policies requiring more fruits and vegetables to be used in communal meals.
- Assi Homes-Batavia Apartment uses their garden produce to stock their on-site food pantry. They have also installed playground equipment.
- Village of Gilberts launched an effort to boost backyard gardens.
- Western Avenue School in Geneva installed its garden. It includes an orchard, berry bushes, and space for the children to grow produce. The garden has been integrated into school curriculum.
- The Elgin Community Garden Network in cooperation with the City of Elgin installed new gardens for the 2012 season.
- Highland Fellowship Church installed gardens onsite. The gardens will serve low income neighbors and include food preservation classes.
- Pushing the Envelope Farm provided hands on, demonstrations classes for children throughout the county on the value of growing food. Children planted their own micro greens to take home.